Williamsburg WV Ruritans
Calendar and Events
Loving Our Beautiful Roadways
The Williamsburg 4H Flying Falcons and the Williamsburg Ruritan Club turned out for a fall cleaning of our scenic roadways. Bottles, cans, and debris were picked up and bagged for the dump. Many thanks to all who helped!
20180813-2 Ruritans 27 Years of Adopt-A-Highway Participaton!
27 Years?
The Williamsburg Ruritans have been recognized by the Adopt-A-Highway program as having continuously participated in cleaning up local byways for 27 years! Thank you, Hang In There!
Williamsburg Ruritan Club honors Jack Goodman as a 2018 Community Champion
Jack was born here and then, as a lot of young men, left home to find his way in the world. After 50 years, he and his wife, Barbara, have come back to serve the community of his youth. Being a son, brother, husband, father and grandfather of three and great-grandfather of two, he has worn a lot of hats over his years.
Jack worked in the oil/petrochemical field in D. C. and Georgia and now brings his talents to help give a semblance of order to the Community Action and Ruritan Club of Williamsburg. Among the many contributions to our town, he has helped with grant writing, getting new playground equipment, working with others to reset and clean up the local cemeteries, and working with the club for the roadside clean-up, Adopt-a-highway. He helps with the monthly shooting matches, annual Easter Egg hunt, Community Fair, annual pork loin dinner, Community Christmas party, and he is also an active member in Andrew Chapel United Methodist Church.
Keeping our roads beautiful!
The Williamsburg Ruritans, as participants in the West Virginia Adopt-A-Highway Program, collected 17 bags of trash between Williamsburg and Catholic Church Road. Folks, please don’t litter! Thank you Williamsburg Ruritan Club!
Fellowship, Goodwill and Community Service
Installing Playground Equipment
“… inspiration is for amateurs … the rest of us just show up and get to work.”
– Painter Chuck Close
Ruritans are dedicated to improving their communities and building a better America through fellowship, goodwill, and community service. Local clubs operate autonomously to identify the needs of their communities and work toward meeting some of those needs. Projects might include maintenance and improvement of community buildings, parks, playgrounds, roadways, and graveyards; support for other local service organizations such as 4H and Boy Scouts, leadership and support for community events to promote fellowship, health, skills, education, and economic opportunities; and much more, as guided by the vision and enthusiasm of local members.
Membership is a cross-section of our local community. New members are voted in by existing members, a friendly process that is not restrictive with regard to occupation, social position, or any other specific criteria.
If you would like to learn more about community concerns and join with your neighbors to make good things happen, please come to one of our meetings to get acquainted! We ask that you speak to an active Ruritan you may already know, or contact us through the form below, before attending so that we may properly greet you amid the hubbub proceeding meetings. We meet on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Williamsburg Community Building. A fellowship meal is served before starting the business meeting.
If you cannot commit to becoming a core member yet would like to show your support, please consider becoming an associate member! You will receive the quarterly newsletter and are always welcomed to participate as you are able.
“Ruritan” is a combination of the Latin words for open country “rural” and “town”. The first Ruritan Club was chartered May 21, 1928, in Holland, Virginia.
1. To promote fellowship and goodwill among its members and the citizens in the community and to inspire each other to higher efforts.
2. To unify the efforts of individuals, organizations, and institutions in the community toward making it an ideal place in which to live.
3. To work with those agencies that serve the community and contribute directly to its progress.
4. To encourage and foster the ideal of service as the basis of all worthy enterprise.
5. To create greater understanding between rural and urban people about the problems of each as well as about their mutual problems by striving, where possible, to maintain both rural and urban representation in the club membership.
Executive Board 2017
Contact the Williamsburg WV Ruritans!
Read more about the Williamsburg WV Ruritans in the Lewisburg Mountain Messenger.
Neighboring Ruritan Clubs: Maxwelton WV Ruritans, Frankford WV Ruritans.
District and National: Lower WV Ruritan District 20, Ruritan National.