Our former school is in bad shape. We are soliciting donations for major improvements/restoration. DONATIONS WILL FIRST BE USED FOR A SECURITY SYSTEM AS THERE HAS BEEN LOTS OF DAMAGE AND DESTRUCTION, PURPOSEFUL VANDALISM, GRAFFITI ALL OVER THE PLACE AND MORE! Donations beyond the cost of a security system will be used as matching funds for some of the grants we are writing and/or as a
beginning in the restoration. In addition to repairing the destruction, significant repairs need to be made to the school itself in certain areas. You can help by making a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION to Williamsburg Community Action, c/o Laurie Hedrick, 2095 Friars Hill Road, Williamsburg, WV 24991. IN THE MEMO OF YOUR CHECK, PLEASE WRITE "WILLIAMSBURG SCHOOL" AS THIS MONEY IS A DIFFERENT LINE ITEM IN THE BUDGET AND WILL BE SEPARATE FROM THE MAIN ACCOUNT. Williamsburg Community Action now owns the school, and therefore checks need to be made out that way. 2/2/2020