Local weather chart is HERE. US severe weather map is HERE. Track cyclonic storms HERE.
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How to view Weather Alert link with FireFox browser:RSS feeds automatically display with the Chrome browser but Firefox removed their built-in reader in December 2019. You may restore that capability with a FireFox Add-on. Is your menu bar visible (File, Edit, View, etc.)? If not, right-click at the top of the FireFox browser and click Menu Bar to turn it on. Go to Tools> Add-ons> Get Add-ons> Find more Add-ons> and enter RSSPreview into the search bar. Click on RSSPreview (not the others!) and Add to Firefox. Done! Now when you click on the weather alert link above you will be able to read the alert. To verify your list of FireFox Add-ons, go to Tools> Add-ons> Extensions.